
Fashion will save the world :D

If you guys just jump into this humble site of mine, I'll tell you that i'm very much into accessories and I'm also creating my own stuff. But these little 'jewels' caught my eyes and they're really iconic, or should I say a statement accessories. You must be brave and confident ,or just experimenting ,wants something new, to be able to wear these stuff.

This necklace is just screaming for attention. I love how eccentric this necklace is.

Here's the Iconic one. I thought I can't pull it off because it's big and heavy but i think this one can make an outfit look interesting.

The bracelets are so cute and every item has personality in them.

I LOVE YOU accessories are must haves in our closets because it's cool and it can easily add pizzaz to any outfit(precauton : if you style it properly). 
You can buy them at Trilogy. :D

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