
Ending my Academic Week with A Smile

Big Announcment :D
I've passed my qualifying exams and interview for Marketing. Weee!!!!
After all those grueling days of waiting and thinking of giving up, it's all worth the wait.
Next term , I'll be a Marketing student :D no longer an Information Systems student. 
It's like my dreams and goals are just near for me to reach.
I know that I'll be facing a lot of accounting and paper works and adjustment to the crowd. But with all of those , I'm ready to face the challenge. I won't whine about how hard is the subject/s, but give my best and BE THE BEST.


  1. fashion is a state of mind! tama? tama!

  2. Korek , Mike haha and trends may come and go but style isn't haha :))

  3. hi maureen! are you the one posing and wearing those clothes? i love it! good luck on your new course! i may not be a marketing major, but i know it's going to be fun especially if you really like it. :)
    anyway, thank you for dropping by http://commwell.wordpress.com! i post my entries weekly, so visit anytime! :)

  4. Hey girl, yup it's me . I love how sensible your blog is :P it's nice to read something different :P
